Tuesday, December 24, 2019
If I DidnT Grow Up In The Middle Class . Growing Up In
If I Didn t Grow Up in the Middle Class Growing up in the city of Brook Park, a nice little suburb located in northeast Ohio. I never really imagined how life could be differently if I grew up in a different social class. Up to this point in my life, my family has mainly been a middle class family. Money isn t thrown around in my family like its nothing, but we ve had a very good living style due to the hard work of my parents. Many times growing up my parents always told me to be grateful for what we have and to never complain because there s people out there who would love to have what we have as a family. If I lived in the poverty living level instead of the middle class, the social part of my life would be different in many†¦show more content†¦As a child I was lucky enough to have this experience with my family but I may not have had this opportunity if it wasn t for growing up in the middle class. Vacations are very expensive, especially when they are only a week long and families spend thousands of dollars on them. That would be a lot of extra money for families to come up with, especially families who aren t in the higher low class or middle class and annual income per adult averages between $18,000-$30,000 per year.(Cliffsnotes) Not having those vacation experiences would be a huge loss and I wouldn’t have had some of my best childhood experiences with my family. Show me your friends, I ll show you your future. This quote is one of my favorite quotes of all time, which I heard from a speech given by Jim Tressel.I ve been surrounded around great friends my whole life, and I believe they take a big part in why I have a pretty bright future. They have always been great influences around me, and are always telling me what the right and wrong things are to do. Friends are like a second family to most people, if you aren t with your family your with you friends. Its very important to have a good stable friend group that help lead you into the right path. Growing up in my town there was the fair share of drugs and violence but not as bad as some neighborhoods where the price of living is low. If I were to grow up in a different social class, I could have been raised up in town where crime and drugsShow MoreRelatedMy Most Formative Memories Of The South1273 Words  | 6 PagesI was raised in the south nestled in a small town outside of an even sma ller city in North Carolina. Growing up in the south was an education on it’s on. For starters, I was not short of discipline. I realized that a lot of my friends’ parents just â€Å"negotiated†with them from age two and beyond. This is not acceptable in the south. One of my most formative memories is being popped in the mouth by my grandmother in front of the entire line at Winn-Dixie because I called her a name - one that rhymesRead MoreSelf Perception800 Words  | 4 Pagesfrom cultural aspects. 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